As defined by "Capacity describes your ability to do something or the amount something can hold. If your bird cage is at full capacity, you can't stuff one more feathered friend in there without causing birdie claustrophobia".
While capacity constrains are often obvious, what is not, is that the constrain can actually be process related. Creating an Strategic Plan for the next year might be just what you need right now to address your capacity challenges.
We have developed a Tutorial Guide
Learn with us how to:
Plan future capacity requirements
Evaluate existing capacity and processes to identify gaps
Identify alternatives / process improvements for meeting requirements
Conduct financial analyses of each alternative
Assess key qualitative issues for each alternative
Select the alternative to pursue that will be best in the long term
Plan the implementation of the selected alternatives
Develop KPI's [Key Performance Indicators] to monitor results
What is this Tutorial About?
Learning a capacity strategy.
Understanding the steps in the capacity planning process.
Planning the implementation of your strategy | Key milestones and Key Performance Indicators.
Sharing your journey and getting additional insights and encouragement | Advice from functional experts.
Finalizing your detailed strategic plan | Policy Deployment [Hoshin Kanri] and A3 methodology for project management.
Being guided and Mentored for successful implementation | Class collaboration, personal coaching.
Performance Review and Reflection on your accomplishments.
Included in this Tutorial
Delivery, Duration and Investment Four week duration
On-Demand E-Learning Sessions [1 hour each week]
Five On-On-One coaching sessions [40 minutes each]
Class Collaboration Sessions [1 hour each]
Four week Tutorial Cycle from commencement.
$1,000.00 per person.
Want to know more or enroll?