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Writer's pictureRichard Kunst

Conversations with the Future

Disruptive Technologies !! While doing my MBA I quickly became enamored by Clayton Christensen who spoke on this topic. The content of the course was amazing, but the real message was to always keep an eye on the fringe of economics to early identify what could become the next "Disruptive Technology" to rock the world.

Recently it seems like you cannot read an article mentioning, recommending or warning about Artificial Intelligence. Heck, there are even courses on how to better use or detect the use of A.I.

Then along comes Nickola to rock my world about Artificial Intelligence with one simple statement ... A.I. provides Content but not necessarily Context.

UMMMMmmm ?? So i have been pondering this statement for hours, days and now a couple of weeks. A.I. in your opinion may no longer be a fringe Disruptive Technology, but how individuals and companies are attempting to leverage the capability are.

So to my delight, Nickola and a few of his compatriots are hosting an evening of Learning about what the Future may hold.

In contradiction to the musings of Nickola and Clayton I also hear a conversation I had once with my father while we were sailing.

In my teens at the time during the 70's I tried to explain to my father that he failed to understand how hard it was for me to grow up in this society. His immediate response was that i was enduring the same challenges just in a different era with few additional wrinkles. He explained how growing up during the second world war there was a constant fear to survive, there were plenty of illicit drugs available, liberal sex distractions were widely accessible and doing business was definitely a challenge and their favorite game was to pester the Nazi's.

So are we transitioning into a new era with similar attributes just slightly renamed or are we dealing with many new wrinkles?

Want to exercise your brain then I encourage you to attend Nickols upcoming event "Conversations with the Future". This is a small intimate event, so I am certain there will be plenty of time for some educated dialogue and price to warp your brain is palatable at $40.00.

Mariela and I are very proud that the majority of our client partners are leaders within their Industry Sector and I think you will take away enough fodder from this evening to propel the trajectory of your business. So we hope to see you there, if there still is room, if not then at least subscribe to Nickola's podcast. (

Nickola has recently published a book as a futurist and I am certain he will touch on the following to present a unique vision of the future, shaped by conversations with leading thinkers, innovators, and scholars. From the role of AI in shaping our lives to the impact of genetics, robotics, nanotechnology, 3D printing, and life extension, A wide range of topics that are crucial to our collective future.


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